• Creating Magento admin grid without database tables

    It’s not common that you have to display something that’s not in the Magento database. It was not too difficult to figure out how to do it but checking this might save you few minutes. Feel free to download the code itself: Wizguild_VirtualGrid.zip Virtual grid package structure In the Grid.php I create a Varien_Data_Collection object: protected function _prepareCollection() { $collection = new Varien_Data_Collection(); foreach (array('alpha','beta','charlie') as $item) { $data = new Varien_Object(); $data->setName($item); $collection->addItem($data); } $this->setCollection($collection); } …then just use it in the _prepareColumns():
  • MageHack 2012 London

    I wanted to write a blogpost about MageHack 2012 London (magehack.com) but somehow failed until now. I’ll be brief as it was long ago and the memory is fading fast. There was a pub warm-up event on the Friday before the event, with beers and schnitzel (a guy grabbed the last one just before me), sausages, mash… we’ve discussed our plans, trying to find out who will be possible project owner, who will join, and basically who’s who.
  • Moved domain finally

    So here I am, finish multi-branding all say. I’m now on wizguild.com, migrating everything here. First of all, my projects on the main site (mostly done, more coming) and my support sites for iOS apps. Although I have no time and intention to blog regularly I’ve migrated my old stuff here for the posterity.
  • TextWrangler PHPTidy filter

    I love TextWrangler. Performance of TextWrangler is just incredible compared to the alternatives. Just try to open a few hundred megabytes long XML and do a search and replace. Others will give you the spinning beach-ball for minutes. Its only real weakness is long lines. I miss few key features, though. I’m not a big fan of BBedit, those extra features are not for me, I actually found them very distracting.
  • Updated iRecipeBook finally

    It took terribly long to fix the built-in web server. Thank you for your support by using the App and sorry for annoyances. The focus is on social networking features now. As the database is bigger and bigger, especially after uploading images for every recipe I’ve realized maybe we will have to implement an option to get rid of big images. The big image feature was introduced to help social networking publication, but clearly we can’t sacrifice launch performance.
  • twenty-eleven

    Looking back on the year, as usual. My memory is so bad I have to take notes 🙂 If last year was positive, it’s even better, in every aspects. I have a nice new job in a small international company as Head of IT / Architect, some kind of a CTO but with lots of fun around the code. We have few Magento systems, building new sites regularly, working with logistics companies and other partners connecting our systems to their, providing them data, sending and updating orders etc.
  • $year=2010; $year++;

    My first year in the UK. I have had great time at the NSI, I have created the new patrolstore.com based on Magento, a small site called apace.org.uk for police chiefs using Zend Frameworks, 3 other sites are under testing, a new mail server and lots of small achievements. I have a new nick: they call me “the Hungarian wizard” 🙂 We live here in Redhill, just south of London in a nice little two bedroom rent.
  • =SUM(2009)

    All right, time to post all things about 2009. I cannot wait longer. Pros: My son, Máté (Matthew) was born in January I have a new app in iTunes App Store: iRecipeBook Acted as “Most Senior Apple Consultant” for Hungary I had nice server consolidation projects at Apcom Also I had very nice in-house development projects I had no major health problems Cons: Apcom is much smaller now There is a joke about recession: A recession is when your neighbour loses his job.